Crowd Funding and One-Trick Ponies….

Crowd Funding and One-Trick Ponies….

Railway preservation isn't cheap. In fact if you're going to do things properly it's bloody expensive. As Buckie is fond of saying "There are two prices for everything - normal and railway. For the railway price, take the normal price, double it and then add a zero." You need to get specialist contractors in to do certain jobs such as Ultra Sonic Axle testing and putting the unit back into capital stock. All the spares need to be kosher, you need calibrated tools, you need equipment in the back office to allow you to prepare and submit paperwork... It's a never ending and headache-inducing process but, when you're aiming to put a preserved train back onto the modern railway, you have to do things properly. It means approved suppliers (more…
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 ‘The Day Gordon Went Back’ 

 ‘The Day Gordon Went Back’ 

3417’s Return to The Mainline- 27/01/24   It all started with a phone call. As Steve Upton and I discussed at length the events of a few days before, both of us were still trying to process what had taken place. For everyone at the Southern Electric Traction Group (SETG) and its fellow supporters, it was a major milestone. The fact that 3417 had indeed, returned to the mainline was the ambition of many, achieved by few. Steve was, unsurprisingly, overwhelmed by the scale and response to their piece of Southern Region returning to life. Despite the events of January 27th having passed, he was still busy working through responses and media requests and looking to the next step for 3417. For those who support, live, and breathe railways, it never…
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“The Worst Kept Secret on the Southern Region…” Part One.

  3417 standing at London Waterloo, 27th January 2024. Writing Minion’s Note: As you'll all know by now, the everyone in the SETG has been in a flat spin for the last four months. Everything has been put to one side; family, shopping, housework, eating properly, a degree of sleep, good manners and (arguably) common sense. Us Minions are a tough breed, but it’s been a very very stressful few months. If you were at Waterloo on the 27th of January 2024, you’ll know why. For anyone else… Sit back and enjoy the tale! Part One:(In which the Minions wonder if they’ve bitten off more than they can chew) Be cautious about inviting old friends over for tea, friends. If it weren’t for the power of Old Friends and Tea,…
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4VEP returning to traffic in 2024 with new Fundraising Appeal

4VEP returning to traffic in 2024 with new Fundraising Appeal

Today marks the official launch of an appeal to raise £50,000 to help bring 3417 back into mainline operation. Over the past few years, despite COVID 19 and the enforced pause in the restoration of the unit, the SETG team have been patiently working towards bringing 3417 back into traffic on preserved lines. We are now on the cusp of that goal and are working towards an event in the New Year which will formally launch 3417 back into traffic. As part of that upcoming announcement, we are today unveiling plans to raise significant funds which will underwrite works including fitting GSM-R radio equipment and OTMR ‘Black Box’ systems to both driving trailers. Additionally we are going to undertake work to fit anti-override components to the buckeye couplers, fitting Controlled…
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Onwards and Ever Sideways

Onwards and Ever Sideways

Once upon a time there was a Minion. And this Minion was supposed to write updates for the SETG website, but his writing mojo deserted him and he grew distracted and disillusioned with the whole process. But lo! There came unto him a guiding light named Chris Buckland, who struck him about the head with a shoe paddle and spaketh with a Great Voice. "Good game, good game, cuddly toy, cuddly toy! Stop sodding about, Potter. Get on with updating the website, you great sack of jobbies in a belt", said he. And thus was Potter galvanised to his task. "I must write Things", he said whilst rubbing Savlon into the larger head lumps, "and I must inform the impatient readership (both of them) for there is news to impart."Now,…
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Work Report Early to Late 2022

Work Report Early to Late 2022

Good 'morrow, dear reader! We at the SETG, awash with tea and replete with bacon sandwiches, bid you welcome to this latest update on our trials and tribulations at Strawberry Hill. First of all, allow us to begin with a soothing soundtrack: Ah. Sweet, sweet music! The SETG would like to apologise to those of you who rely on this website to keep you updated on our progress at Strawberry Hill; as you will all be aware, the group has been through some considerable trauma over the last few months and things are barely back to any semblance of normality. As seems to have become the norm, the VEP has become as much a form of practical therapy as much as a form of transport and the depot a…
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Margaret “Maggie” Abrahams 1st February 1950 – 26th June 2022

From Potter. Surbiton, 26th July 2022."Three weeks ago we lost our friend Maggie. It was sudden, brutally so, and the Abrahams family are still reeling from her death. Her passing has left Lynn and Doug aching desperately for their adored mother, and David lost without his wife of 52 years. We have been to Strawberry Hill twice since her death, and the Trim Shop is a lonely space without her. I sat there a few days after she died, sat in her chair at her sewing table and wept. I miss my friend. Long before the SETG came into being, while I was still just another motorman on the South Western division, I first met Maggie. We were working an early morning Alton train, and Maggie was my guard. I…
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Work Report January/ February 2022

Work Report January/ February 2022

Don't you love it when hard work starts to pay off, dear readers? Months and months of steady slog and what appears to be fiddling about - even to those who are doing the work - and then Kerpow! Suddenly everything comes together in a few hours and everyone walks about smiling for days afterwards. After a very busy last few weeks, I'm still smiling. It feels like we are making real headway, and we are able to show you some of the results of our efforts. (Of course we've had some really cracking cooked breakfasts and a lot of tea, too.) So where do we start? The brake chests and controllers are back from Railway Brake Services, along with some additional sundries that it was decided should be overhauled…
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Work Reports: November/December 2021

Work Reports: November/December 2021

"Remember remember the Fifth of November, When Potter dropped the Tea Pot.I know of no reason why the Dropped Teapot Treason Should ever be Forgot." Dear readers, that's how long ago I started to write this news update. But, as is always the way, I found myself distracted (possibly by loud noises or shiny things - I'm only a motorman and am easily amused) and now here I am in early December with lots to tell you. And best of all, not all of the news is about bloody seats. So there's a bonus. I should however apologise in advance since I'm currently typing this with what I believe is a very bad cold (not COVID, although I'm waiting for test results) so please excuse any breaks in the narrative.…
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